England, UK
Job Requirements
- Must adhere to our development standards and processes.
- Must work within normal UK office hours.
- Essential skills, knowledge, and behaviours:
- Knowledge of federated single sign-on using SAML protocol.
- Knowledge of OpenAthens products.
- Knowledge of Java Restlet framework and Google Web Toolkit.
- Experience of working with Google Cloud Platform.
- A collaborative way of working with product managers, Ux designers, other developers, and the application architect.
- Significant and demonstrable experience of designing and developing enterprise-scale web applications.
- Able to create code that is both high quality and easily maintainable.
- Able to work closely with the existing team to contribute to decisions about technology choice, technical design, and approach.
- Fluency with Java Back End development, including working with modern Java-based API frameworks, such as Spring Boot/Jersey to develop REST-based APIs.
- Knowledge of how to develop secure applications.
- Good verbal and written English-language skills.
- Security-related requirements:
- All developers must have had their identification verified and any prior criminal record fully assessed to reduce security risk.
- All employees must have completed security awareness training, covering common attacks on users, such as phishing and other means of enticing users to disclose sensitive information, or download unauthorised code.
- There must be a positive security culture where employees actively report suspected or actual incidents promptly in a no-blame environment.
- Your business must regularly perform a risk assessment to understand your insider threat.